Become a Student

English Language Learning

Our students study English to help them:

Students work with their tutor 2 or more hours each week. They meet at Tompkins Learning Partners in Ithaca or at a library, community center, or other public space. Tutors and students find a time that works for them.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Tutors at Tompkins Learning Partners work with adults, age 18 or over, who want to improve their skills in reading, writing, math, or digital literacy. Students meet with a TLP staff member to set goals. Students are matched with a tutor, and they meet for 2 hours weekly with their tutor to work toward those goals. Tutoring sessions are held at Tompkins Learning Partners in Ithaca or  another public space, like the library or a community center.

Some ABE students have a goal of earning a High School Equivalency diploma and are studying for the GED subject tests or the NEDP exam. Tutors work with students to prepare for these exams and help them with the sign-up process. Some of our students are also taking classes at BOCES but want more support and practice with a 1:1 tutor.

Citizenship prep

Tompkins Learning Partners has tutors who work with adults who want to become US citizens. These tutors explain the citizenship process and what to expect at the interview. They work closely with students to study the civics questions that they may be asked and have practice interviews to help their students feel prepared and comfortable.

Contact Us for More Information About Becoming a Student

I am interested in the following:

Work with a tutor and learn to speak, read, and write in English.

Do you want to earn a High School Equivalency Diploma?

Our tutors work one-on-one with students to prepare for the citizenship interview.

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