Student Achievements
Education Skills (Adult Basic Education)
- Improve basic literacy skills (reading, writing, math)
- Use: before, during, and after reading strategies
- Develop reading comprehension strategies (rereading, retelling, summarizing, etc.)
- Apply study strategies (note taking, underlining, story mapping, mnemonics, etc.)
- Utilize critical thinking skills (fact/opinion, cause/effect, compare/contrast, etc.)
- Write from dictation
- Write journal/stories/poems, etc. independently
- Use and understand writing process (discussing, drafting, revising, editing)
- Edit text for mechanics, word usage, sentence structure
- Use dictionary
- Pass RCT/Regents examination
- Obtain HS diploma or GED certificate
- Enter post secondary instruction
- Enter occupational skills or other non-GED program
Skills for English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Improve English literacy skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing)
- Able to converse with others in English
- Able to use the telephone in English
- Transfer from ESL to ABE/GED
Consumer Skills
- Open and use a checking or savings account
- Read and understand bills & mail
- Fill out forms (insurance, credit, housing, consumer benefits, etc.)
- Obtain a driver’s license
- Count and use coins and currency
- Use phone and/or phone book independently
- Read and understand common signs (road, retail, notices, emergency, etc.)
- Interpret maps/transportation schedules and directions
- Identify and use different types of transportation in the community
- Compare price or quality to determine best buy for goods or services
- Read product/appliance label directions and safety warnings
- Identify appropriate housing options
- Use recipes
- Read a book for the first time
- Read books/short stories/poetry regularly
- Read newspaper/magazines regularly
- Read for religious activities
- Obtain a library card and use library facilities
- Write to family and friends
- Improve self-confidence/esteem
Skills for Wellness and a Healthy Lifestyle
- Read medication labels
- Describe symptoms of an illness
- Use health care facilities
- Understand medical and dental forms
- Identify practices that promote physical and mental well-being
Computer Skills
- Use computer for the first time
- Learn basic computer skills and use common software independently
- Use Internet and/or email independently
Employment Skills
- Use classified ads to identify employment opportunities
- Create a resume
- Fill out job application,has language for job interview
- Pass job screening test
- Complete civil service application and take test
- Obtain employment
- Secure employment retention
- Advance in job / Get a better job
- Upgrade employability skills
- Read work-related materials/manuals (equipment & safety manuals, MSDSs, etc.)
- Read/understand work-related information (employee handbook, schedules, etc.)
- Complete work forms
- Improve on-the-job communication
- Interacts one-to-one competently or participated as a member of a team
- Improve conversational skills in social/work settings
- Obtain license or certification
- Reduce or no longer receive public assistance
Parenting Skills
- Read to child
- Help child with homework
- Attend school meetings
- Volunteer at children’s school
- Register child for school according to guidelines
- Communicate with school staff
- Use community resources to strengthen family
Skills for Citizenship and Community Life
- Complete U.S. citizenship class or course of study
- Apply for/received U.S. citizenship
- Register to/vote for the first time
- Locate and/or use community agencies or services
- Increase involvement in civic/community activities
- Answer questions about U.S. history/government
- Understand legal rights, responsibilities, and procedures for obtaining legal advice