Wish List
No Time to Volunteer?
If you are interested in contributing to our services but are unable to donate your time, consider donating some much-needed resources from our student and tutor wish list! Items include:
- Color printer (with ink!)
- B & W printer/scanner
- Markers
- 3×5 note cards (lined or unlined)
- Composition books
- Spiral notebooks
- Wide-ruled loose leaf paper
- Eraser caps
- Sticky notes
- 3-ring binders
- 2-pocket folders
- Cardstock paper
- Metal rings (the kind that open and close for keeping index cards together)
- Subject dividers for 3-ring binders
- Blank sentence strips
- Store-bought flash card sets (math, vocabulary, etc.)
- #2 pencils
- Dry erase markers
- Garden gloves